Update Banking Information:

Step 1: To update the banking information, please navigate to the tenant's rent collection contract and select the option “View Contract”.

Step 2: On the “Rent Details” page, click “Change” under “Rent Deposit Account”.

Step 3: Next, you will be brought to a page to update your bank details. You will have 2 options to update your bank account. 

  • You can either manually link your bank account by choosing the option "Enter account details manually". 

    • If you select "Enter account details manually", you will have to enter your details and upload a void cheque.

  • Using your online bank account, you’ll find your account number details on the “My Accounts” screen. The first five digits are the transit number and the last 7 digits are the account number. If you are set up to receive eStatements, you’ll find your account number at the top of each statement.

  • If you have a copy of a void cheque handy, you can input the transit number, institution number, and account number by using the following reference photo:

  • We also require you to upload a scanned copy of the voided check, or a direct deposit slip to support our records verification process.

  • If you select "Connect via Bank", you will have to choose the financial institution and proceed to connect.